Baldwin Hardware

"Baldwin is much more than a timeless and trustworthy brand that creates a charismatic presence in any home. Baldwin is about creating a signature look that seamlessly blends hardware with the personality of its owner. No limits. No Boundaries."

Baldwin products are separated into three different portfolios: Estate, Reserve, and Prestige Series. Each portfolio is designed to meet specific customer needs and varies in cost, materials, construction, customization, and style. You can compare portfolios here.

Product Literature:
  • Estate (List Price October 2021)

Door&WindowHardware proudly offers products from all three portfolios. Above are some of the popular Reserve product categories currently available on our site. While we are constantly adding products, there are many not listed. Please contact us if you wish to purchase a product that is not yet on our site. We would also love to help you design your own Baldwin custom split finish or split style hardware. Reach out to us via email or phone for more information.

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